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Clodoromiro Picado Institute

Costa Rica readies second study of equine serum to treat Covid

Costa Rica is beginning a second study of the application of equine serum in Covid-19 patients.

Costa Rica’s equine plasma coronavirus treatment not as effective as initially hoped

Treating coronavirus patients with an antibody-rich serum made from horse plasma has produced worse results than originally hoped, Costa Rican authorities said. 

Costa Rica bets on equine plasma to lower Covid-19 hospitalizations

An antiviral treatment made with plasma from immunized horses is Costa Rica's hope to face the coronavirus pandemic.

Equine serum tested in COVID-19 patients at 18 Argentine health centers

Costa Rica began testing a similar treatment in humans last week, with the first results expected in a few weeks, according to authorities.

Costa Rica begins clinical trials of equine plasma for coronavirus patients

Costa Rica on Monday began clinical trials of antibody-rich plasma that has been extracted from horses with the purpose of treating COVID-19 patients.

News briefs: JobLink virtual job fair is underway

The Costa Rican Investment Board (CINDE) is currently holding its third-annual JobLink, in which 35 companies are offering some 3,000 jobs, the organization said in a press release.

Costa Rica-made plasma shown to inhibit coronavirus, ready for clinical trials: UCR

Costa Rica is set to begin clinical trials on antibody-rich plasma that has been extracted from horses with the purpose of treating COVID-19 patients. 

Coronavirus in Costa Rica: Convalescent plasma treatment shows encouraging results

Here's what you should know about the coronavirus in Costa Rica today.

Costa Rica pioneering three plasma-based strategies to treat COVID-19

The Clodomiro Picado Institute of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) is preparing to pioneer three strategies that could be used to treat patients with COVID-19.

WHO, Costa Rica partner to combat snakebite mortality

WHO estimates 5.4 million snakebites occur each year, resulting in at least 1.8 million cases of envenoming (poisoning from snakebites) and 81,400 deaths. 

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