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A year ends with no party: The Fiestas de Zapote

The Fiestas de Zapote are a holiday tradition for many Ticos.

Fiestas de Zapote celebrates 50th anniversary with huge crowds on opening night

More than 40,000 festive Ticos attended opening night for the 50th anniversary of the Fiestas de Zapote, Costa Rica's largest end-of-year party. 

Costa Rica prepares for 50th anniversary of Fiestas de Zapote

In December, Costa Rica will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its iconic Fiestas de Zapote.

PHOTOS: Bulls in Zapote

December is almost over and that means a new year and a bunch of bulls in Zapote. Check out some of the best shots from this year's bull run.

Throwback Thursday: Bulls from 1981

Las Fiestas de Zapote kicked off this week and that means rides, food and bulls. We looked through our archives and found some photos of a bullring back in 1981.

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