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Tobacco and Alcohol are Main Causes of Cancer Worldwide

Nearly half of cancers worldwide can be traced back to a known risk factor, primarily tobacco or alcohol, a huge global study found on...

Alcohol still the most popular drug in Costa Rica

IAFA’s survey also found an increase in Ticos' consumption of marijuana, cocaine and crack, although the use of tobacco is on the decline.

In the US, people are drinking themselves to death at record rates

Alcohol is killing people in the United States at a rate not seen in at least 35 years, according to new federal data. Last year, more than 30,700 U.S. people died from alcohol-induced causes, including alcohol poisoning and cirrhosis.

Costa Rica has the 4th highest rate of alcoholism in Latin America and the Caribbean

INTERACTIVE: Compare the most popular type of drinks and consumption rates across Latin America.

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